At the heart of kinesiology is the holistic ideal that good health is founded in the balanced workings of mind, body, emotion and spirit. Kinesiology works to integrate ALL of these systems. By using the muscles of the body we work to uncover the source of stress, imbalance or energy blockage and then determine the best course of action.
Kinesiology can help to address a wide variety of issues, it can:
- detect food intolerances and nutritional needs
- improve co-ordination, learning, sports performance and artistic skills
- improve confidence and self-esteem
- help to change attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours
- help with setting life goals, in areas such as finance, relationships and putting yourself first
Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) is a non-intrusive, hands-on healing art, wonderful for all ages. It is so gentle it can be used for babies and expectant mothers.
What is it used for?
- general relaxation and well-being
- relief of pain/discomfort following injury or accident (e.g. whiplash)
- release of tension
- release of trauma (including birth trauma)
The Cranium (skull) and Sacrum (tail-bone) are at either end of one of the body’s most complex and delicate systems – the Central Nervous system. This system encompasses the brain and spinal cord (referred to as ‘The Core’). Everything that affects our body – physical, emotional, mental, chemical or spiritual – will affect our ‘core’. The core is bathed in cerebrospinal fluid which protects and nourishes this vital system and carries our life force. The movement of this fluid creates tides in the body.
The Practitioner’s purpose is to listen to these ‘tides’. By using the Cranium and Sacrum as the primary ‘handles’, the practitioner connects to the client’s system, prompting it to access its own inherent, balanced, healthful state. The practitioner works on the premise that every system, with appropriate support, will remember its original blueprint for health.
CST prompts the body to unwind and let go of pain and trauma including ‘old’ trauma (which can be stored in the body for decades). It is an excellent therapy for relieving birth trauma especially forceps or vacuum (ventouse) extraction. It is also very popular with expectant mothers as it helps ease the pressure of carrying the baby, especially in the third trimester when most discomfort is experienced.
Hopi Ear Candling
Hopi means ‘peace’. This therapy originated thousands of years ago, with one of the oldest tribes of Indians, the Hopi Indians. They were considered by most other Indian tribes to have wisdom beyond average comprehension. Special long hollow candles, made from cotton and infused with beeswax and herbs, are put into the ear and lit. This has a warming and drawing effect on the ear canal and the sinuses. Ear candling has many therapeutic benefits and is particularly effective for relieving physical symptoms of the ears, nose and throat while calming the body emotionally and mentally. The combination of the warmth of the candle, the aroma of the herbs and the stillness of the session ensures a gentle, relaxing and reviving experience.
Crystal Therapy
Crystals are naturally formed, vibrational structures of various colours and shapes. One of their key properties is to help us shift patterns of energy which are stuck or disruptive to us. In the course of a kinesiology or CST treatment crystals may be used to enhance healing. The relevant crystal is placed on the appropriate part of the body or given to the client to hold. The significance of the crystal is discussed with the client.
Australian Bush Flower Essences
This set of flower essences discovered by Ian White, a sixth generation Australian naturopath, provides very powerful vibrational support to help with healing. They may be used during your therapy session and may be recommended for home use to support your healing.
Phytobiophysics means ‘the ‘science of plant energy’. This is a unique set of formulas comprised of the essences of flowers and trees from around the world, and grouped together into the colours of the rainbow. It was devised by Dame Diana Mossop whose mission is “to bring safe, affordable and ethical health care to the people of the world, and in particular, the children, using the natural resources of the planet; the infinite energy of flowers and plants”. One or more formulas may be recommended to you as part of your session or for home use to support your healing.
- improved health
- increased energy and confidence
- improved relationships
- reduced stress – learning to relax
- more ‘you’ time
- life changes
Maybe you are feeling that you are just ‘not quite right’
- You may have been through medical tests/examinations and been given the ‘all clear’
- You may have been told you have to live with your ‘problem’
- You may be on medication and still do not feel like ‘yourself’
- Physical issues including:- Asthma, Bowel disorders, Crohn’s disease, Endometriosis, Fatigue, Food Intolerances, Infertility, Injury recovery, Pain, PMS, Menopause
- Mental-Emotional issues including:- Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Guilt, Forgiveness, Obsessive behaviour, Limiting beliefs, Lack of confidence, Relationship breakup, Self-worth
You do NOT have to be unwell to take an interest in your health and wellbeing. We’ve all heard the adage that “prevention is better than cure”. Therapy is a FANTASTIC tool to help prevent illness; reduce stress and support you to achieve what you want in life.